Digital animation
Length 229 sec.
Edition of 4 copies + 1 AP
Animation and editing - Mario Santizo. Drawings - Mario Santizo and David Ramírez.
Sound - Ameno Córdova.
The song "Papaito" was performed by Ecos de Occidente on the sixth avenue of Guatemala City.
The whole world is constantly writing to each other. Its form, its movement, its path. But how can we read it if we are part of that world, if we ourselves are part of its writing. To whom does the world leave its testimony, what kind of pages are its days, what kind of language is the sound and forms that accumulate one after another, how can we read it? Perhaps by separating it into its parts, seeing in detail the choreography of the bodies that move forward, like someone looking at a manuscript to read between the lines.
Thus, Mario Santizo's "Strange Relationship with Sadness" separates the world into fragments. He does not mutilate it, he only defines the contours of his reading of the world, he takes a sample of something bigger to understand it in detail. And there goes the dance of the arms, body fragments that move and dance with the marimba in the background, marimba that is made of talking tree fragments. The river of the collective walk is most clearly enunciated when we see the upper extremities of invisible bodies, carrying, marking the step, stirring the time that contains them.
And what about the other body parts, where are they going? Perhaps that is the total meaning of this work, in what is not seen, in the unknown trajectories, in the exercise of looking for faces, torsos, legs that we do not see, but that we know that in another part of this macro text of the days, they exist.