Colored sawdust and cardboard
Diameter two meters
On site installation
I was invited to work on a project for the exhibition "The Moon Museum" to be held in the ruins of the Convento de la Concepción built in colonial times in Antigua Guatemala. There was no theme for the exhibition, no guidelines, total freedom.
I began to think about the most offensive thing I could do inside the archaeological ruins of that very Catholic colonial city during Holy Week. The Epiphany: a pentagram of demonic invocation elaborated with the same aesthetic parameters with which the carpets are made for that celebration. I found several images of what seemed to be genuine pentagrams but ended up deciding to make a fake one and wait for people's reaction. I chose several Viking and other cultural symbols so it didn't look totally authentic but it gave that appearance.
The people's response: people who believed the pentagram to be reliable were indignant, even other artists made comments mentioning my audacity to do something like that inside this consecrated space or the bad luck that the place would be burdened with. And to think that we are in the middle of the 21st century.